Source code for jsondata.jsondata

# -*- coding:utf-8   -*-
"""Core features for the processing of JSON based structures of in-memory data.
Supports RFC4627 and RCF7159, addresses of in-memory-nodes and RFC6901, 
relative pointer-draft.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import os
import sys
import re

import copy

# pylint: disable-msg=F0401
if sys.modules.get('ujson'):
    import ujson as myjson  # @UnusedImport @Reimport @UnresolvedImport
    import json as myjson  # @Reimport
# pylint: enable-msg=F0401

# for now the only one supported
import jsonschema
from jsonschema import ValidationError as JSONDataValidationError
from jsonschema import SchemaError as JSONDataSchemaError

from jsondata import V3K, ISSTR

from jsondata import JSONDataParameterError, JSONDataError, \
    JSONDataValueError, JSONDataIndexError, JSONDataKeyError, \
    JSONDataSourceFileError, JSONDataTargetFileError, \
    JSONDataNodeTypeError, JSONPointerError, JSONPointerTypeError, \
    JSONDataPathError, \
    MJ_RFC4627, MJ_RFC7159, MJ_RFC6901, \
    C_DEFAULT, \
    validator2ms, copy2c, mode2mj, \

__author__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__maintainer__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__license__ = "Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Arno-Can Uestuensoez" \
                "@Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez"
__version__ = '0.2.21'
__uuid__ = '63b597d6-4ada-4880-9f99-f5e0961351fb'

if V3K:
    unicode = str

class JSONpl(list):
    """A wrapper for a 'list' representing a path pointer
    at the method interfaces. Required due to possible
    ambiguity with the other type of in-memory node.

[docs]class JSONData(object): """ Representation of a JSON based object data tree. The common node address parameters are defined as: :: sourcenode := <commonnode>|<indata> # depends on the interface targetnode := <innode> # target within the represented # JSON structure commonnode := (anydata | indata) anydata := ( # any data hook - within # or external JSONData # - adds to the contained data # of the reference | <json-array-list> # - adds to JSON array | <json-object-dict> # - adds to JSON object ) indata := ( # within JSONPointer # - adds to the node within # [RFC6901]_ | <rfc6901-string> # - pointer string within [RFC6901]_ | <relative-pointer-string>) # - relative pointer within [RELPOINTER]_ ) **REMARK**: The RFC7159 permits any JSON type as a node, while the RFC4627 permits array and object as node reference only. """
[docs] def __init__(self, jdata, **kargs): """Creates and validates a new object from the provided JSON data. Arbitrary additional JSON data could be added as branches. Args: **jdata**: The initial data of current instance. The accepted formats are in-memory representation of JSON data compatible with the standard library *json* [json]_. The permitted input types vary in accordance to the selected operations mode of either *RFC4627* or *RFC7159*. :: type(jdata) := ( list, # json-array | dict, # json-object | JSONData # copy constructor | int # RFC7159 only | float # RFC7159 only | unicode # RFC7159 only ) .. note:: Further branches could be added to json-objects, and json-arrays only, while values in RFC7159 and RFC8259 mode permit replacement only. Objects support string indexes, arrays integer indexes. kargs: For the complete set of call parameters refer to the method **JSONData.setkargs()**. **mode**: The mode of JSON processing: :: mode := ( MJ_RFC4627 | MJ_RFC7493 # currently not supported, mapped to RFC7159 | MJ_RFC7159 | MJ_RFC8259 | MJ_ECMA404 # same as RFC8259 ) default := MJ_RFC7159 **schema**: A valid in-memory JSONschema. default:= None **validator**: Sets schema validator for the data file. Curren release relies on *jsonschema*, which supports at the time of writing draft-03 and draft-04. The values are: :: validator := ( MS_DRAFT3 | 'draft3' | MS_DRAFT4 | 'draft4' | MS_ON | 'on' | MS_OFF | 'off' | MODE_SCHEMA_DEFAULT | 'default' ) default:= MS_OFF Returns: Results in an initialized object. Raises: NameError JSONDataValueError jsonschema.ValidationError jsonschema.SchemaError """ # static final defaults self.schemafile = None # JSON-Syntax modes self.mode_json = MJ_RFC7159 self.mode_schema = MS_DRAFT4 self.mode_pointer = MJ_RFC6901 self.mode_patch = MJ_RFC6902 self.saveContext = True self.branch = None = None self.schema = None self.indent = 4 self.sort_keys = False self.validator = MS_OFF # default validator self.jsonsyn = JSYN_NATIVE self.op_depth = 0 self.op_ignore = [] self.op_use = [] self.state_pre = [] self.op_cp_pol = kargs.get('copy', C_DEFAULT) if __debug__: self.debug = False self.verbose = False # fetch keyword parameters self.setkargs(**kargs) # # fetch JSON document # if type(jdata) in (list, dict, ): # object or array if self.op_cp_pol == C_REF: = jdata elif self.op_cp_pol == C_SHALLOW: = copy.copy(jdata) elif self.op_cp_pol == C_DEEP: = copy.deepcopy(jdata) elif isinstance(jdata, JSONData): # copy constructor = copy.deepcopy( self.schema = jdata.schema self.schemafile = jdata.schemafile self.mode_json = jdata.mode_json self.mode_schema = jdata.mode_schema self.mode_pointer = jdata.mode_pointer self.mode_patch = jdata.mode_patch self.saveContext = jdata.saveContext self.indent = jdata.indent self.sort_keys = jdata.sort_keys self.validator = jdata.validator self.op_depth = jdata.op_depth self.op_ignore = jdata.op_ignore[:] self.op_use = jdata.op_use[:] self.state_pre = jdata.state_pre[:] try: if self.op_cp_pol == C_REF: = jdata() elif self.op_cp_pol == C_SHALLOW: = copy.copy(jdata()) elif self.op_cp_pol == C_DEEP: = copy.deepcopy(jdata()) except: raise JSONDataError("Non-valid JSON data:" + str(jdata)) else: # values for RFC7159/RFC8259 if self.mode_json == MJ_RFC4627: raise JSONDataError( "Mode RFC4627 - Non-valid JSON data, requires object or array: %s - %s" % (str(type(jdata)), str(jdata))) try: if self.op_cp_pol == C_REF: = jdata elif self.op_cp_pol == C_SHALLOW: = copy.copy(jdata) elif self.op_cp_pol == C_DEEP: = copy.deepcopy(jdata) except: raise JSONDataError( "Non-valid JSON data:" + str(jdata)) if __debug__: if self.debug > 2: sys.stderr.write("DBG:JSON= " + str( myjson.__name__) + " / " + str(myjson.__version__) + "\ #[" + str( + "]#" + "\nDBG:self.schema= #[" + str(self.schema) + "]#\n" ) elif self.verbose: print("VERB:JSON= " + str(myjson.__name__) + " / " + str(myjson.__version__)) # Validate. if not self.schema and self.validator != MS_OFF: raise JSONDataParameterError("value", "schema", str(self.schema)) # INPUT-BRANCH: validate data if self.validator != MS_OFF: self.validate(, self.schema, self.validator)
[docs] def setkargs(self, **kargs): """Sets key arguments. Args: kargs: **copydata**: Controls the assignment policy for JSON data. The schema is copied by reference only, once read. :: copydata := ( C_REF # by reference | C_DEEP # by copy.deepcopy() | C_SHALLOW # by copy.copy() ) **debug**: Displays extended state data for developers. Requires __debug__==True. **depth**: Sets the default behavior for the operators. Controls, whether the hook only or the complete branch is processed in depth node-by-node. :: 0: the hook of the branch #n: the level of the branch as integer, the remaining sub-branch is treated by it's hook -1: the complete branch default:= 0 **indent_str**: Defied the indentation of 'str'. default:= 4 **jsonsyntax**: The display syntax for JSON data with *__str__*. :: jsonsyntax := ( JSYN_NATIVE | 'json' | JSYN_PYTHON | 'python' ) JSYN_NATIVE: Native standards syntax. JSYN_PYTHON: Python in-memory syntax. **mode**: The mode of JSON processing: :: mode := ( MJ_RFC4627 | 'rfc4627' | MJ_RFC7493 | 'rfc7493' # currently not supported, mapped to RFC7159 | MJ_RFC7159 | 'rfc7159' | MJ_RFC8259 | 'rfc8259' | MJ_ECMA404 | 'ecma404' # same as RFC8259 ) default := MJ_RFC7159 **rtype**: Sets the data type of the returned result. :: rtype := ( data # returns the data record only - | jdata # returns an object of class JSONData | obj # returns an object of own class ) default := obj **saveContext**: Saves and restores the defined context parameters when entering a context call. default:= True **schema**: A valid in-memory JSONschema. default:= None **sortstr**: Sort display of 'str()' by key. :: sortstr := (True | False) default := True **validator**: Sets schema validator for the data file. Curren release relies on *jsonschema*, which supports at the time of writing draft-03 and draft-04. The values are: :: validator := ( MS_DRAFT3 | 'draft3' | MS_DRAFT4 | 'draft4' | MS_ON | 'on' | MS_OFF | 'off' | MODE_SCHEMA_DEFAULT | 'default' ) default:= MS_OFF **verbose**: Extends the amount of the display of processing data. Returns: instance/None Raises: NameError: JSONDataValueError jsonschema.ValidationError: jsonschema.SchemaError: """ if __debug__: self.debug = False else: self.debug = kargs.get('debug', 0) self.verbose = kargs.get('verbose', False) # #self.op_cp_pol = kargs.get('copydata', C_DEFAULT) self.op_cp_pol = kargs.get('copydata', self.op_cp_pol) try: self.op_cp_pol = copy2c[self.op_cp_pol] except JSONDataKeyError: raise JSONDataValueError('copydata', str(self.op_cp_pol)) self.indent_str = kargs.get('indent_str', 0) #: for __str__ self.sort_keys = kargs.get('sortstr', True) #: for __str__ self.jsonsyntax = kargs.get('jsonsyntax', JSYN_NATIVE) #: controls context parameter restoration if self.jsonsyntax not in (JSYN_NATIVE, 'json', JSYN_PYTHON, 'python'): raise JSONDataError("Unknown syntax variant: jsonsyntax=" + str(self.jsonsyntax)) self.saveContext = kargs.get('saveContext', 0) #: controls context parameter restoration self.schema = kargs.get('schema', None) #: The internal object schema for the framework - a fixed set of files as final MS_DRAFT4. # validator = kargs.get('validator', self.validator) try: self.validator = validator2ms[validator] except JSONDataKeyError: raise JSONDataValueError('validator', str(validator)) # INPUT-BRANCH: schema for validation if validator != MS_OFF: # validation requested, requires schema if not self.schema: # no schema data present raise JSONDataError("value", "schema", self.schema) # self.mode_json = kargs.get('mode', self.mode_json) try: self.mode_json = mode2mj[self.mode_json] except JSONDataKeyError: raise JSONDataParameterError("Unknown mode:" + str(self.mode_json)) # _d = kargs.get('depth') if _d: if _d in ('default', -1): self.op_depth = 0 elif _d.isnumeric(): self.op_depth = int(_d) else: raise JSONDataValueError("Not supported", str(_d)) if self.verbose: print("VERB:JSON= " + str(myjson.__name__) + " / " + str( myjson.__version__)) # Check data. if kargs.get('data') and is None: raise JSONDataParameterError("value", "data", str( # Validate. if not self.schema and self.validator != MS_OFF: raise JSONDataParameterError("value", "schema", str(self.schema)) # INPUT-BRANCH: validate data if self.validator != MS_OFF: self.validate(, self.schema, self.validator)
def __len__(self): return len(
[docs] def __delitem__(self, k): """Deletes an item of **. Args: k: Key or index of **. If *None* the ** is assigned *None*. Returns: None Raises: JSONDataKeyError IndexError """ if isinstance(, (dict, list)): del[k] # for now want the exeption raise JSONDataKeyError("requires object(dict) of array(list)")
[docs] def get_data_items(self): """Returns a dictionary for objects as well as arrays. Arrays are returned as a *dict* with interger indexes as keys, while objects - *dict* - are returned by the native *items()* call. If required else use the attributes directly. """ if type( is dict: return elif type( is list: ret = {} for i in range(len( ret[i] =[i] return ret.items()
def get_data_keys(self): """Returns a list of keys for objects, or a list of indexes for arrays, thus enabling common access. Args: None Returns: For objects - dict - a list of keys, for arrays - list - a list of integer indexes. Raises: pass-through """ if type( is dict: return elif type( is list: ret = {} for i in range(len( ret[i] =[i] return ret.items()
[docs] def __setitem__(self, k, v): """Assigns a value to an item of **. """ if isinstance(, (list, dict,)):[k] = v else: raise JSONDataKeyError("requires object(dict) of array(list)")
[docs] def __enter__(self): """Context for processing of specific parameter setups. Args: Context Parameters: See setargs. :: copy, rtype, saveContext Returns: Raises: """ if self.saveContext: self.state_pre.append([ self.mode_json, self.mode_schema, self.mode_pointer, self.mode_patch, self.indent, self.sort_keys, self.validator, self.op_depth, self.op_ignore, self.op_use, ]) return self.deepcopy()
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """Resets the context to the parameter setup before the last call of 'enter'. """ if self.saveContext: (self.mode_json, self.mode_schema, self.mode_pointer, self.mode_patch, self.indent, self.sort_keys, self.validator, self.op_depth, self.op_ignore, self.op_use, ) = self.state_pre.pop()
def __bool__(self): """The boolean value of the contained data status *JSONData*. Args: None Returns: True: has any data False: no data contained, this is also the case for empty *list* and *dict* """ return not in (None, {}, []) def __nonzero__(self): """The boolean value of the contained data status *JSONData*. Args: None Returns: True: has any data False: no data contained, this is also the case for empty *list* and *dict* """ return not in (None, {}, [])
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kargs): """Evaluates the pointed value from the document. The operation:: z = S(x) Returns the top node referenced by the JSON-Pointer 'x' in accordance to RFC6901:: z = ( S => x ) Args: *args: args[0]: An optional valid JSONPointer. default:='' => top, see [RFC6901]_ **kargs: **copydata**: Use of input parameters for processing. :: copydata := ( C_DEEP | 'deep' | C_REF | 'ref' | C_SHALLOW | 'shallow') default := C_REF Returns: The pointed value, or None. Raises: JSONPointerError """ if not args: x = '' else: x = args[0] c = kargs.get('copydata') if c: if c in ('deep', C_DEEP): if isinstance(x, JSONPointer): return copy.deepcopy(x.get_node_value( return copy.deepcopy( JSONPointer(x).get_node_value( elif c in ('shallow', C_SHALLOW): if isinstance(x, JSONPointer): return copy.copy(x.get_node_value( return copy.copy(JSONPointer(x).get_node_value( elif c in ('ref', C_REF): pass else: raise JSONDataError("Unknown copy type:" + str(c)) if isinstance(x, JSONPointer): return x.get_node_value( return JSONPointer(x).get_node_value(
[docs] def __eq__(self, x): """Compares this with x. The operations: :: S == x Returns the result of comparison: :: z = ( S == x ) Args: x: A valid JSONData. Context Parameters: See setargs. Returns: True or False Raises: JSONDataError """ if not and not x: # all None is equal,... return True elif not or not # only is not return False if type(x) in (dict, list, ): # is a tree... return == x elif isinstance(x, JSONData): # is a container return == return == x # is any atom
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Dump data. """ return repr(
[docs] def __str__(self): """Dumps data by pretty print. The data representation is controlled by the variable 'self.jsonsyn' :: JSONData.jsonscope := (JSYN_NATIVE | JSYN_PYTHON) JSYN_NATIVE: "Literally in accordance to standards." JSYN_PYTHON: "Python in-memory syntax representation." """ if self.jsonsyn == JSYN_NATIVE: return myjson.dumps(, indent=self.indent, sort_keys=self.sort_keys) elif self.jsonsyn == JSYN_PYTHON: s = myjson.dumps(, indent=self.indent, sort_keys=self.sort_keys) s = re.sub("true", "True", s) s = re.sub("false", "False", s) s = re.sub("null", "None", s) return s else: raise JSONDataError("JSON syntax variant not supported." + str(self.jsonsyn))
[docs] def __getitem__(self, sel): """Gets an entry of **. Args: sel: Selector, either a key, or an index. Returns: The entry at the location, or raises en exception. Raises: JSONDataKeyError(KeyError) JSONDataIndexError(IndexError) """ try: return[sel] except KeyError: raise JSONDataKeyError("object requires member name as key, got: " + str(sel)) except IndexError: raise JSONDataIndexError("array requires index, got: " + str(sel))
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Provides an iterator for contained native data. """ return iter(
[docs] def __ne__(self, x): """Compares this JSONData with x. Args: x: Valid JSONData. Returns: True or False Raises: JSONDataError """ return not self.__eq__(x)
[docs] def branch_add(self, sourcenode, targetnode='', key=None, **kargs): """Add a complete branch into a target structure of type object. Present branches are replaced, non-existent branches are added. The parent of the insertion point has to exist by default, see [RFC6902]_. If the target is an array, the source is either appended, or inserted [RFC6902]_. Args: **sourcenode**: Source branch to be inserted into the target tree. Either from within self-data, or an external source: :: sourcenode := <commonnode> # see class header **targetnode**: Target node within self-data, where the branch is to be inserted. :: targetnode := <innode> # see class header default := '' # the top of the 'whole document' **key**: Hook for the insertion within the target node. If not provided the contents of the target node itself are replaced by the source node. default := None kargs: **copydata**: The type of creation of the added branch. :: copydata := ( C_REF # copy the reference only | C_DEEP # call copy.deepcopy() | C_SHALLOW # call copy.copy() ) default := C_DEEP Returns: When successful returns *True*, else returns either *False*, or raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataNodeError: The target node is not contained in current object. JSONDataNodeTypeError: The types mismatch. JSONDataKeyError: Key mismatch. """ ret = False _copy = kargs.get('copydata', C_DEEP) def _cp(v): if _copy == C_DEEP: return copy.deepcopy(v) elif _copy == C_SHALLOW: return copy.copy(v) if _copy == C_REF: return v else: # default return copy.deepcopy(v) if isinstance(sourcenode, JSONPointer): sourcenode = sourcenode(, False) elif type(sourcenode) in ISSTR: try: sourcenode = JSONPointer(sourcenode) except JSONPointerTypeError: # when not a pointer, than is assumed to be a value if sourcenode[0] == '/': # it was a valid absolute pointer, so it is actually an error raise elif isinstance(sourcenode, JSONData): sourcenode = if targetnode is "": targetnode = elif type(targetnode) in ISSTR: targetnode = JSONPointer(targetnode) elif isinstance(targetnode, JSONData): targetnode = if isinstance(targetnode, JSONPointer): try: if not key: targetnode, key = targetnode.get_node_and_key( else: targetnode = targetnode(, False) except JSONDataKeyError: raise except Exception as e: # requires some more of a new path than for the node-only if key: if type(key) == int: self.branch_create('', targetnode, []) else: self.branch_create('', targetnode, {}) if not key: targetnode, key = targetnode.get_node_and_child( else: targetnode = targetnode( if type(targetnode) == dict: if key: targetnode[key] = _cp(sourcenode) else: if type(sourcenode) != dict: raise JSONDataNodeTypeError( "type", "dict-target requires a key:targetnode/sourcenode", str(type(targetnode)) + "/" + str(type(sourcenode))) for k, v in sourcenode.items(): targetnode[k] = _cp(v) return True elif type(targetnode) == list: if key is None: # source list items extend contents of the target list if type(sourcenode) is list: targetnode.extend(_cp(sourcenode)) # source dictionaries replace the list elif type(sourcenode) is dict: targetnode.append(sourcenode) elif key == '-' or key == len(targetnode): targetnode.append(_cp(sourcenode)) ret = True elif 0 <= key < len(targetnode): targetnode.insert(key, _cp(sourcenode)) else: raise JSONDataKeyError( "mismatch:node:type", 'key', key, 'key-type', type(key), 'node-type', type(targetnode)) return True else: raise JSONDataNodeTypeError( "type", "requires array or object for targetnode: targetnode/sourcenode", str(type(targetnode)) + "/" + str(type(sourcenode))) return ret
[docs] def branch_copy(self, sourcenode, targetnode='/', key=None, force=True): """Copies the source branch to the target node. The *branch_copy* is internally mapped to the call *branch_add*, thus shares basically the same parameters and behavior. Args: **sourcenode**: Source branch to be copied into target tree. Either from within self-data, or an external source: :: sourcenode := <commonnode> # see class header **targetnode**: Target node for the branch. Either from within self-data, or an external source: :: targetnode := <innode> # see class header default := '/' **key**: Optional key for the insertion point within target node, if not provided the target node itself. **force**: If true present are replaced, else only non-present targets are copied. default := True Returns: When successful returns *True*, else returns either *False*, or raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataError pass-through """ if force: # force replace of existing return self.branch_add(sourcenode, targetnode, key) elif type(targetnode) == list: if key == '-': pass elif not key is None: if 0 <= key < len(targetnode): if targetnode[key]: raise JSONDataError("Node exists.") if len(targetnode) > len(sourcenode): raise JSONDataError("Node exists.") else: if type(sourcenode) is list: if targetnode: raise JSONDataError("Node exists.") elif type(targetnode) == dict: if key: if targetnode.get(key, None): raise JSONDataError("Node exists.") else: if type(sourcenode) is dict: if targetnode: raise JSONDataError("Node exists.") return self.branch_add(sourcenode, targetnode, key)
[docs] def branch_create(self, branchpath, targetnode=None, padding_value=None): """Creates an abitrary relative branch from a path description located at *targetnode*. Intermediate nodes are created automatically when missing. The requested branch is created as the relative child branch of the provided *targetnode*. The *targetnode* must exist, while the child node - *branchpath[0]* - must not. Args: **branchpath**: New branch to be created in the target node. A Pointer address path relative to the *targetnode*. :: branchpath := <commonnode> # see class header **targetnode**: Base node for the created branch, must exist and located within the data tree of current object. :: targetnode := <innode> # see class header default := "/" **padding_value**: Optional default value, either an atomic type or a sub-branch itself. This value is only used for a new leaf, in case of an existent node the value is ignored. default := "null" / *None* Returns: When successful returns the created node, else returns either *None*, or raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataError JSONDataKeyError JSONDataNodeTypeError JSONDataParameterError JSONDataPathError """ ret = None def get_newnode_of_type(bkeytype): """Fetch the required type for the new container.""" if not bkeytype: return None if len(bkeytype) < 2: if bkeytype[0] == '-': # RFC6902 return [] elif type(bkeytype[0]) is int: # array return [] elif type(bkeytype[0]) in ( str, unicode, ): # object return {} else: if bkeytype[1] == '-': # RFC6902 return [] elif type(bkeytype[1]) is int: # array return [] elif type(bkeytype[1]) in ( str, unicode, ): # object return {} raise JSONDataKeyError("type", 'keytype', str(bkeytype)) # # prepare branchpath if type(branchpath) in ISSTR: branchpath = JSONPointer(branchpath) if not isinstance(branchpath, list): # basic behaviour rfc6902 raise JSONDataPathError("type", "branchpath", branchpath) # # prepare target node if targetnode is None: tnode = elif isinstance(targetnode, JSONPointer): try: tnode = targetnode( except TypeError: raise JSONDataNodeTypeError( "Requires container, got type='%s' in target node:'%s'" % (str(type(tnode)), str(targetnode.get_raw()) )) except (KeyError, JSONPointerError): raise JSONDataKeyError( "Requires present node, missing target node:'%s'" % (str(targetnode.get_raw()) )) elif targetnode == '': # RFC6901 - whole document tnode = else: tnode = targetnode if type(tnode) == dict: # target is an object # Be aware, the special '-' could be a valid key, thus cannot be prohibited!!! if type(branchpath[0]) not in ISSTR: raise JSONDataPathError( "type", "branchpath", str(type(tnode)) + "/" +str(branchpath)) if len(branchpath) > 1: # actual branch items if not tnode.get(unicode(branchpath[0]), False): tnode[unicode(branchpath[0])] = get_newnode_of_type(branchpath) ret = self.branch_create( branchpath[1:], tnode[branchpath[0]], padding_value) else: # the leaf item - putting this onto an existing will # remove the previous value if not tnode.get(branchpath[0], False): ret = tnode[unicode(branchpath[0])] = self.get_canonical_value(padding_value) else: ret = tnode[unicode(branchpath[0])] elif type(tnode) == list: # target is an array # see RFC6902 for '-'/append if type(branchpath[0]) in (int, ) and branchpath[0] <= len(tnode): pass elif unicode(branchpath[0]) == u'-': # see RFC6902 for '-'/append pass else: raise JSONDataNodeTypeError( "index-value", "targetnode/branch:" + str(type(tnode)) + " list-index requires int(i <= len()) or '-', got " + str(type(branchpath[0])) + " '" + str(branchpath) + "'" ) if len(branchpath) == 1: if branchpath[0] == '-': branchpath[0] = len(tnode) tnode.append(self.get_canonical_value(padding_value)) else: tnode[branchpath[0]] = self.get_canonical_value(padding_value) ret = tnode else: if branchpath[0] == '-': tnode.append(get_newnode_of_type(branchpath)) ret = self.branch_create( branchpath[1:], tnode[-1], padding_value) elif tnode != None and branchpath[0] == len(tnode): tnode.append(get_newnode_of_type(branchpath)) ret = self.branch_create( branchpath[1:], tnode[-1], padding_value) else: raise JSONDataNodeTypeError( "type", "existing targetnode", str(targetnode) + " = "+ str(type(tnode)) + " requires: list or dict") return ret
[docs] def branch_move(self, sourcenode, targetnode=None, key=None, force=False): """Moves a branch to the target node. Args: **sourcenode**: Source branch to be moved into the target node. Must be member of the self-data structure, else use either *branch_add* or *branch_copy*. Either from within self-data, or an external source: :: sourcenode := <innode> # see class header **targetnode**: Target node for the branch. :: targetnode := <innode> # see class header default := '/' **key**: Optional key for the insertion point within target node, if not provided the target node itself. **force**: If true present are replaced, else only non-present are copied. default := True Returns: When successful returns *True*, else returns either *None*, or raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataError JSONDataKeyError """ ret = self.branch_copy(sourcenode, targetnode, key, force) if ret: ret1 = self.branch_remove(sourcenode) return ret & ret1 return ret
[docs] def branch_remove(self, targetnode, key=None, rfc6902=True): """Removes a branch from a contained data in self. Args: **targetnode**: Container with item to be removed. :: targetnode := <innode> # see class header **key**: Key of insertion point within target node, if not provided the target node itself. **rfc6902**: If *True* the removed element has to be present, else non-present is simply ignored. Returns: When successful returns *True*, else returns either *False*, or raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataKeyError JSONDataNodeTypeError """ if type(targetnode) in ISSTR: _targetnode = JSONPointer(targetnode) elif type(targetnode) is list: _targetnode = JSONPointer(targetnode) elif isinstance(targetnode, JSONPointer): _targetnode = targetnode else: raise JSONDataNodeTypeError("Requires path within self:got:" + str(type(targetnode))) try: if not key: _targetnode = targetnode(, True) key = targetnode[-1] else: _targetnode = targetnode(, False) except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError): raise JSONDataKeyError("Key not found:" + str(key)) except JSONPointerError: if rfc6902: raise JSONDataKeyError("Requires present node" + str(targetnode) + str(key)) return True try: _targetnode.pop(key) return True except (IndexError, TypeError, KeyError): if rfc6902: raise JSONDataKeyError("Missing node within self: " + str(targetnode)) return True
[docs] def branch_replace(self, sourcenode, targetnode, key=None, rfc6902=True): """Replaces the value of the target node by the copy of the source branch. Requires in order to RFC6902, all items to be replaced has to be present. Thus fails by default if at least one is missing. Internally the 'branch_add()' call is used with a deep copy. When a swallow copy is required the 'branch_move()' has to be used. Args: **sourcenode**: Source branch to be inserted into target tree. Either from within self-data, or an external source: :: sourcenode := <commonnode> # see class header **targetnode**: Target where the branch is inserted. :: targetnode := <innode> # see class header **key**: Key of insertion point within target node, if not provided the target node itself. **rfc6902**: If *True* the removed element has to be present, else non-present is simply ignored. Returns: When successful returns *True*, else returns either *False*, or raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataError """ if isinstance(targetnode, JSONPointer): try: if not key: tnode, key = targetnode.get_node_and_key( else: tnode = targetnode(, False) except TypeError: raise JSONDataNodeTypeError( "Requires container, got type='%s' in target node:'%s'" % (str(type(tnode)), str(targetnode.get_raw()) )) except (KeyError, JSONPointerError): if rfc6902: raise JSONDataKeyError( "Requires present node, missing key='%s' in target node:'%s'" % (str(key), str(targetnode.get_raw()) )) elif type(targetnode) in (list,): try: if not key: tnode, key = JSONPointer(targetnode).get_node_and_key( else: tnode = JSONPointer(targetnode)(, False) except (KeyError, JSONPointerError): if rfc6902: if len(str(targetnode)) > 30: targetnode = str(targetnode)[:30] + '...' raise JSONDataKeyError( "Requires present node, missing key='%s' in target node:'%s'" % (str(key), str(targetnode) )) else: if len(str(targetnode)) > 30: targetnode = str(targetnode)[:30] + '...' raise JSONDataNodeTypeError( "Requires parent container-node, got target node:'%s: %s'" % (str(type(targetnode)), str(targetnode))) return self.branch_add(sourcenode, tnode, key)
[docs] def branch_superpose(self, sourcenode, targetnode=None, key=None, **kargs): """Superposes a branch recursively on to the current data tree ** with defined constraints. Provides partial mapping in dependence of parameters and data entries of source and/or target. The processing is controlled by logic operations on node structures, which maps a logical tree of JSON nodes from the source node onto the subtree of JSON nodes defined by the target target node. The provided logic operators are related to structure, though the types of nodes, not the contents. For the provided logic operators refer to parameter *map*. Args: **sourcenode**: Value struct to be inserted. default := None **targetnode**: Data node within current document to be superposed. default := None # whole document ** **key**: Hook selector within the data tree spanned by the targetnode . default := None # top of the targetnode kargs: **copy**: Create a copy of the sourcenode. :: copy := ( C_DEEP # insert from copy.deepcopy() | C_SHALLOW # insert from copy.copy() | C_REF # insert from the provided parameter ) default := C_REF # no copy, work on input **depth**: Sets the default behavior for the operators on the data branches. Controls, whether the hook only or the complete branch is processed in depth node-by-node. :: 0: the hook of the branch #n: the level of the branch as integer, the remaining sub-branch is treated by it's hook -1: the complete branch default:= 0 **ignore**: Ignores attributes including subtrees contained in the list. :: ignore := [<list-of-rfc6901-path-items>] **map**: Sets the default behavior for the mapping of branches by operators. This is also influenced by the parameter 'op_depth'. :: B_AND: replace corresponding leafs only when any target node is present B_OR: replace corresponding items of source leafs B_XOR: insert only when no target node is present default:= B_OR **use**: Considers the listed attributes only as white list. :: use := [<list-of-rfc6901-path-items>] Returns: *True* for success, else *False* or raises exception. Raises: JSONDataError JSONDataIndexError pass-through """ # defaults _cp = C_REF _ign = self.op_ignore _use = self.op_use _dep = self.op_depth _mp = B_OR def _map(d0, s0, v0, n=0): """The core algorithm for the mapping of branches of Python structures by constraints. Includes resulting logic operations from constraints. The code tends to be monolithic, but saves memory and performance. Args: d0: Data root. s0: Key or index for hook. v0: Value/branch to be hooked. Environment: Uses inherited variables from parent name spaces. Returns: Raises: """ if self.op_ignore and s0 in self.op_ignore: # blacklist return if self.op_use and s0 not in self.op_use: # white list return if self.op_depth > 0 and n >= self.op_depth: # depth return n += 1 if s0 != None: try: dx = d0 d0 = d0[s0] except TypeError: if s0 == '-': d0.append(v0) return True raise except KeyError: d0[s0] = v0 return True except IndexError: if len(d0) == s0: d0.append(v0) return True raise JSONDataIndexError("out of range(>%s): %s" % (str(len(d0)), str(s0))) else: dx = d0 if _mp in (B_OR,): # add all items if type(d0) is dict: if type(v0) is dict: for k, v in v0.items(): _map(d0, k, v, n + 1) elif s0 != None: dx[s0] = v0 else: dx = v0 elif type(d0) is list: if type(v0) is list: for k in range(len(v0)): _map(d0, k, v0[k], n + 1) else: if type(s0) is int: if s0 < len(dx): dx[s0] = v0 elif s0 == len(dx): dx.append(v0) else: raise JSONDataIndexError("out of range(>%s): %s" % (str(len(dx)), str(s0))) elif type(s0) in ISSTR: dx[s0] = v0 return True else: dx[s0] = v0 elif _mp in (B_XOR, ): # add non-present items if type(d0) is dict: if not d0.get(s0): if type(v0) is dict: for k, v in v0.items(): _map(d0, k, v, n + 1) elif s0 == '': pass else: d0[s0] = v0 elif type(d0) is list: if type(v0) is list: for k in range(len(v0)): _map(d0, k, v0[k], n + 1) else: if type(dx) is dict: if dx.get(s0): dx[s0] = v0 elif type(dx) is list: if len(dx) <= s0: dx.append(v0) else: # cannot return a result assigned to a non-container raise JSONDataError("internal error") return True else: if type(dx) is dict: if not dx.get(s0): dx[s0] = v0 elif type(dx) is list: if len(dx) == s0: dx.append(v0) else: # cannot return a result assigned to a non-container raise JSONDataError("internal error") elif _mp in (B_AND, ): # add present items if type(d0) is dict: if not d0.get(s0): for k, v in v0.items(): if d0.get(k): _map(d0, k, v, n + 1) elif type(d0) is list: if type(v0) is list: for k in range(len(v0)): if k < len(d0): _map(d0, k, v0[k], n + 1) else: if type(dx) is dict: if dx.get(s0): dx[s0] = v0 elif type(dx) is list: if len(dx) <= s0: dx.append(v0) else: # cannot return a result assigned to a non-container raise JSONDataError("internal error") return True else: dx[s0] = v0 else: return False return True for k, v in kargs.items(): if k == 'copy': if v in ( 'deep', C_DEEP, ): _cp = C_DEEP elif v in ( 'shallow', C_SHALLOW, ): _cp = C_SHALLOW elif v in ( 'ref', C_REF, ): _cp = C_REF else: raise JSONDataError("Unknown copy-type:" + str(v)) elif k == 'ignore': _ign = v elif k == 'use': _use = v elif k == 'depth': _dep = v elif k == 'map': if v in ( B_AND, B_OR, B_XOR, ): _mp = v else: raise JSONDataError("Unknown map:" + str(v)) if targetnode is None: # use default targetnode = elif type(targetnode) is list and ( (key and type(key) not in (int, float,)) and key != '-' # see RFC6901 ): # incompatible index type raise JSONDataError("list index mismatch" + str(key)) elif type(targetnode) is dict: # almost anything permitted pass elif isinstance(targetnode, JSONPointer): # pointer object, tranfrom to a node targetnode = targetnode( elif type(targetnode) in ISSTR: # assume a pointer string, tranfrom to a node targetnode = JSONPointer(targetnode)( # # special: document root-changes by non-container for RFC7159 # if key == None and ( type(sourcenode) not in (dict, list) or type(sourcenode) != type(targetnode) ): if not self.mode_json & MJ_RFC7159 and type(sourcenode) not in (dict, list): raise JSONDataError("basic document types require mode RFC7159: " + str(sourcenode)) if _mp in ( B_OR, ): = sourcenode elif _mp in ( B_AND, ) and ( ( and sourcenode) or ( == None and sourcenode == None) or ( != None and sourcenode != None) ): = sourcenode elif _mp in ( B_XOR, ) and not ( ( and sourcenode) or ( == None and sourcenode == None) or ( != None and sourcenode != None) ): = sourcenode return True if _cp is C_DEEP: _dat = copy.deepcopy(targetnode) elif _cp is C_REF: _dat = targetnode elif _cp is C_SHALLOW: _dat = copy.copy(targetnode) if _mp in ( B_OR, B_XOR, B_AND, ): _map(_dat, key, sourcenode, n=0) return True
[docs] def branch_test(self, targetnode, value): """Tests match in accordance to RFC6902. Args: **targetnode**: Node to be compared with the value. Due to ambiguity the automated conversion is not reliable, thus it has to be valid. :: targetnode := <innode> # see class header **value**: Expected value for the given node. Returns: When successful returns 'True', else returns 'False'. Raises: JSONDataError """ if not targetnode and not value: # all None is equal, return True elif type(targetnode) in ISSTR: return JSONPointer(targetnode).get_node_value( == value elif isinstance(targetnode, JSONPointer): return targetnode.get_node_value( == value
[docs] def get_data(self): """Returns the reference to data.""" return
[docs] def get_schema(self): """Returns the reference to schema.""" return self.schema
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the contained data. """ if isinstance(, dict): elif isinstance(, list): [x.pop() for x in reversed(] else: = None return True
[docs] def copy(self): """Creates a shallow copy of self. """ return JSONData(, copydata=C_SHALLOW)
[docs] def deepcopy(self): """Creates a deep copy of self, including referenced data. The schema is kept as a shared reference. """ return JSONData(, copydata=C_DEEP)
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """Transparently passes the 'get()' call to ''.""" return, default)
[docs] def get_canonical_value(self, node): """Fetches a copy of the canonical value represented by the node. The actual value could be either an atomic value, a node representing a branch, or a reference to an atomic value. Creates a deep copy, thus references are no longer valid. Args: **value**: Value pointer to be evaluated to the actual value. Valid input types are: int,str,unicode: Integer, kept as an atomic integer value. dict,list: Assumed to be a valid node for 'json' package, used by reference. JSONPointer: A JSON pointer in accordance to RFC6901. Returns: When successful returns the value, else returns either 'False', or raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataError """ if type(node) in (dict, list): # assumes a 'json' package type node return node elif type(node) in ( int, float, ): # assume a 'JSON' RFC7159 int, float return node elif type(node) in ( str, unicode, ): # assume a 'JSON' RFC7159 string return unicode(node) elif isinstance(node, JSONPointer): # assume the pointed value return node.get_node_value(, C_DEEP) elif not node: return None else: raise JSONDataError("type", "value", str(node))
[docs] def pop(self, key): """Transparently passes the 'pop()' call to ''.""" return
[docs] def dump_data(self, pretty=PJ_TREE, **kargs): """Prints structured data. Args: **pretty**: Activates pretty printer, else flat. :: format := ( PJ_TREE # tree view JSON syntax | PJ_FLAT # flat print JSON syntax | PJ_PYTREE # tree view Python syntax | PJ_PYFLAT # flat print Python syntax | PJ_REPR # repr() - raw string, Python syntax | PJ_STR # str() - formatted string, Python syntax ) kargs: **source**: Prints data within 'source'. Returns: When successful returns 'True', else returns either 'False', or raises an exception. Raises: pass-through """ source = kargs.get('source', source = if pretty == PJ_TREE: print(myjson.dumps(source, indent=self.indent)) elif pretty == PJ_FLAT: print(myjson.dumps(source)) elif pretty == PJ_PYTREE: print(myjson.dumps(source, indent=self.indent)) elif pretty == PJ_PYFLAT: print(str(source)) elif pretty == PJ_REPR: print(repr(source)) elif pretty == PJ_STR: print(str(source)) else: print(myjson.dumps(source, indent=self.indent))
[docs] def dump_schema(self, pretty=True, **kargs): """Prints structured schema. Args: **pretty**: Activates pretty printer for treeview, else flat. kargs: **source**: Prints schema within 'source'. default:=self.schema Returns: When successful returns 'True', else returns either 'False', or raises an exception. Raises: pass-through """ source = kargs.get('source', self.schema) if pretty: print(myjson.dumps(source, indent=self.indent)) else: print(myjson.dumps(source))
[docs] def set_schema(self, schemafile=None, targetnode=None, **kargs): """Sets schema or inserts a new branch into the current assigned schema. The main schema(targetnode==None) is the schema related to the current instance. Additional branches could be added by importing the specific schema definitions into the main schema. These could either kept volatile as a temporary runtime extension, or stored into a new schema file in order as extension of the original for later combined reuse. Args: **schemafile**: JSON-Schema filename for validation of the subtree/branch. See also **kargs['schema']. **targetnode**: Target container hook for the inclusion of the loaded branch. kargs: **schema**: In-memory JSON-Schema as an alternative to schemafile. When provided the 'schemafile' is ignored. default:=None **validator**: Sets schema validator for the data file. The values are: :: validator := ( default = validate, | draft3 = Draft3Validator, | off = None. ) default:= validate **persistent**: Stores the 'schema' persistently into 'schemafile' after completion of update including addition of branches. Requires valid 'schemafile'. default:=False Returns: When successful returns 'True', else returns either 'False', or raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataError JSONDataSourceFileError JSONDataValueError """ if __debug__: if self.debug: print("DBG:set_schema:schemafile=" + str(schemafile)) # #*** Fetch parameters # persistent = False schema = None for k, v in kargs.items(): if k == 'validator': # controls validation by JSONschema if v == 'default' or v == MS_DRAFT4: self.validator = MS_DRAFT4 elif v == 'draft3' or v == MS_DRAFT3: self.validator = MS_DRAFT3 elif v == 'off' or v == MS_OFF: self.validator = MS_OFF else: raise JSONDataValueError("unknown", k, str(v)) elif k == 'schema': schema = v elif k == 'persistent': persistent = v if schemafile != None: # change filename self.schemafile = schemafile elif self.schemafile != None: # use present schemafile = self.schemafile if not schemafile: if persistent: # persistence requires storage raise JSONDataTargetFileError("open", "JSONSchemaFilename", schemafile) # schema for validation if schema: # use loaded pass elif schemafile: # load from file schemafile = os.path.abspath(schemafile) self.schemafile = schemafile if not os.path.isfile(schemafile): raise JSONDataSourceFileError("open", "schemafile", str(schemafile)) with open(schemafile) as schema_file: schema = myjson.load(schema_file) if schema == None: raise JSONDataSourceFileError("read", "schemafile", str(schemafile)) else: # missing at all raise JSONDataSourceFileError("open", "schemafile", str(schemafile)) # # manage new branch data # if not targetnode: self.schema = schema else: # data history present, so decide how to handle # the container hook has to match for insertion- if type(targetnode) != type(schema): raise JSONDataError( "type", "target!=branch", str(type(targetnode)) + "!=" + str(type(schema))) self.branch_add(targetnode, None, schema) return schema != None
[docs] def validate(self, data, schema, validator=None): """Validate data with schema by selected validator. Args: **data**: JSON-Data. **schema**: JSON-Schema for validation. **validator**: Validator to be applied, current supported: schema: In-memory JSON-Schema as an alternative to schemafile. When provided the 'schemafile' is ignored. default:=None **validator**: [default, draft3, draft4, off, on, ] Sets schema validator for the data file. default|MS_ON: The current default. draft3|MS_DRAFT3: The first supported JSONSchema IETF-Draft. draft4|MS_DRAFT4: The current supported JSONSchema IETF-Draft. off|MS_OFF: No validation. default:= MS_DRAFT4 Returns: When successful returns 'True', else returns either 'False', or raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataValidationError JSONDataSchemaError JSONDataValueError """ if not validator: validator = self.mode_schema if validator == MS_DRAFT4: if self.verbose: print("VERB:Validate: draft4") try: jsonschema.validate(data, schema) except JSONDataValidationError as e: print("ValidationError" + "\n" + str(e) + "\n#---" + "\n" + str(dir(e)) + "\n#---" + "\n" + str(e) + "\n#---" + "\n" + repr(e) + "\n#---" ) raise except JSONDataSchemaError as e: print("SchemaError" + "\n" + str(e) + "\n#---" + "\n" + str(dir(e)) + "\n#---" + "\n" + str(e) + "\n#---" + "\n" + repr(e) + "\n#---" + "\n" + "path:" + str(e.path) + "\n" + "schema_path:" + str(e.schema_path) + "\n#---" ) raise elif validator == MS_DRAFT3: if self.verbose: print("VERB:Validate: draft3") jsonschema.Draft3Validator(data, schema) elif validator != MS_OFF: raise JSONDataValueError("unknown", "validator", str(validator))
from jsondata.jsonpointer import JSONPointer # avoid nested recursion problems