Source code for jsondata.jsondataserializer

# -*- coding:utf-8   -*-
"""Basic features for the persistence of JSON based in-memory data.

* import and export of JSON data from/into files
* modular import and export of JSON branches from/into files
* validation by JSON schema
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import os
import sys

# pylint: disable-msg=F0401
if sys.modules.get('ujson'):
    import ujson as myjson  # @UnusedImport @Reimport @UnresolvedImport
    import json as myjson  # @Reimport

from jsondata import ISSTR, MS_OFF, MODE_SCHEMA_DEFAULT, \
    JSONDataError, JSONDataValueError, JSONDataModeError, \
    JSONDataSourceFileError, JSONDataTargetFileError, \
    JSONDataAmbiguityError, JSONDataParameterError, \
    mode2mj, MJ_RFC4627, MJ_DEFAULT, \

from jsondata.jsondata import JSONData

import jsondata

# pylint: enable-msg=F0401

_debug = jsondata._debug  #pylint: disable=protected-access
_verbose= jsondata._verbose   #pylint: disable=protected-access

__author__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__maintainer__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__license__ = "Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Arno-Can Uestuensoez" \
                " @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez"
__version__ = '0.2.21'
__uuid__ = '63b597d6-4ada-4880-9f99-f5e0961351fb'

[docs]class JSONDataSerializer(JSONData): """Persistency for *JSONData*. """
[docs] def __init__(self, jdata, **kargs): """Creates a serializable instance of *JSONData*, optionally loads and validates a JSON definition. Args: **jdata**: The initial data of current instance, see *JSONData* kargs: Keywords are also passed to *JSONData*. **datafile**: Filepathname of JSON data file, when provided a further search by pathlist, filelist, and filepathlist is suppressed. Therefore it has to be a valid filepathname. **mode**: The mode of JSON processing: :: mode := ( MJ_RFC4627 | MJ_RFC7493 # currently not supported, mapped to RFC7159 | MJ_RFC7159 | MJ_RFC8259 | MJ_ECMA404 # same as RFC8259 ) default := MJ_RFC7159 **schemafile**: Filepathname of JSONschema file. **schema**: Could be used instead of *schemafile*, see *JSONData*. **validator**: See *JSONData*. Returns: Results in an initialized object. Raises: NameError JSONDataSourceFileError JSONDataAmbiguityError JSONDataValueError jsonschema.ValidationError jsonschema.SchemaError """ self.debug = kargs.get('debug', _debug) self.verbose = kargs.get('verbose', _verbose) # self.mode_json = kargs.get('mode', MJ_DEFAULT) try: self.mode_json = mode2mj[self.mode_json] if self.mode_json in (MJ_RFC4627,) and type(jdata) not in (dict, list,): raise JSONDataModeError( "mode rfc4627 requires dict or list, got:" + str(type(jdata)) ) except KeyError: raise JSONDataParameterError("Unknown mode:" + str(self.mode_json)) # # data file # self.datafile = kargs.get('datafile') if self.datafile and not os.path.isfile(self.datafile): # # must exist when provided # raise JSONDataSourceFileError( "value", "datasource", str(self.datafile)) # # schema file # self.schema = kargs.get('schema') self.schemafile = kargs.get('schemafile') if self.schemafile: self.schemafile = os.path.abspath(self.schemafile) if not os.path.isfile(self.schemafile): raise JSONDataSourceFileError( "open", "schemafile", str(self.schemafile)) if self.schema: # # must exist when provided # raise JSONDataAmbiguityError( "value", "schema + schemafile", str(self.schemafile)) elif not os.path.isfile(self.schemafile): # # must exist when provided # raise JSONDataSourceFileError( "value", "schema", str(self.schemafile)) with open(self.schemafile) as schema_file: self.schema = myjson.load(schema_file) if not self.schema: raise JSONDataSourceFileError( "read", "schemafile", str(self.schemafile)) validator = kargs.get('validator', MODE_SCHEMA_DEFAULT) # # load data when specified # use import(), for rdf7159 priitives as target too. # even though import requires a container as target # if type(jdata) in (list, dict): _j = jdata _k = None else: _j = [] _k = 0 # prepare the data container JSONData.__init__( self, _j, schema=self.schema ) if self.datafile: if self.schema: self.json_import( self.datafile, _j, _k, schema=self.schema, validator=validator, ) else: # should not be reached self.json_import( self.datafile, _j, _k, schemafile=self.schemafile, validator=validator, ) if type(jdata) not in (list, dict): if _j: = _j[0] else: = None if self.schemafile: # it is the init of the creation, so initialize the schema for the object kargs['schemafile'] = self.schemafile self.set_schema(**kargs)
[docs] def json_export(self, datafile, sourcenode=None, **kargs): """ Exports current data into a file. Args: **datafile**: File name for the exported data. **sourcenode**: Base of sub-tree for export. None for complete JSON document. default := ** kargs: **force**: Forces the overwrite of existing files. **pretty**: Defines the syntax format of the data. :: pretty := ( True # tree view | False # all in one line ) When set, the value is fetched from *self.indent*. default := *True* Returns: When successful returns 'True', else returns either 'False', or raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataTargetFileError: """ _force = kargs.get('force') if kargs.get('pretty'): _ind = self.indent else: _ind = None f = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(datafile)) if os.path.exists(f) and not _force: raise JSONDataTargetFileError("Exists, use the force to replace: " + str(f)) if sourcenode == None: sourcenode = try: with open(f, 'w') as fp: myjson.dump(sourcenode, fp, indent=_ind) except Exception as e: raise JSONDataTargetFileError("open-" + str(e), "data.dump", str(datafile)) return True
[docs] def json_import(self, datafile, targetnode=None, key=None, **kargs): """ Imports and validates data from a file. The schema and validator for the imported data could be set independent from the schema of the main data. Args: **datafile**: JSON data file name containing the subtree for the target branch. :: datafile := <filepathname> **targetnode**: Target container for the inclusion of the loaded branch. .. parsed-literal:: targetnode := ( JSONPointer # [RFC6901]_ or [RELPOINTER]_ | <rfc6901-string> # [RFC6901]_ | <relative-pointer-string> # [RELPOINTER]_ | <pointer-items-list> # non-URI-fragment pointer path items of [RFC6901]_ ) default := ** **key**: The optional index/key-hook within the *targetnode*, default:= None kargs: **mechanic**: The import mechanic. Selects either the RFC6902 conform *branch_add*, or the flexible mapping by *branch_superpose*. The latter is more suitable for the application of modular templates. :: mechanic := ( B_ADD | 'add' # branch_add | B_AND | 'and' # branch_superpose(map=B_AND) | B_OR | 'or' # branch_superpose(map=B_OR) | B_XOR | 'xor' # branch_superpose(map=B_XOR) ) **matchcondition**: Defines the criteria for comparison of present child nodes in the target container. The value is a list of criteria combined by logical AND. The criteria may vary due to the requirement and the type of applied container. **schema**: JSON-Schema for validation of the subtree/branch. default := *self.schema* # the pre-loaded schema **schemafile**: JSON-Schema filename for validation of the subtree/branch. default := *self.schema* # the pre-loaded schema **subpointer**: The path of the sub-tree of the serialized document to be imported. default := '' # whole serialized document **validator**: Sets schema validator for the data file. Current release relies on *jsonschema*, which supports at the time of writing draft-03 and draft-04. The values are: :: validator := ( MS_DRAFT3 | 'draft3' | MS_DRAFT4 | 'draft4' | MS_ON | 'on' | MS_OFF | 'off' | MODE_SCHEMA_DEFAULT | 'default' ) default:= MS_OFF Returns: When successful returns 'True', else returns either 'False', or raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataError JSONDataValueError JSONDataSourceFileError: """ jval = None schemafile = kargs.get('schemafile') schema = kargs.get('schema') subpointer = kargs.get('subpointer') mechanic = kargs.get('mechanic') _call = self.branch_superpose if mechanic in (B_ADD, 'add'): _call = self.branch_add # elif mechanic in (B_AND, 'and'): # _call = self.branch_superpose # elif mechanic in (B_OR, 'or'): # _call = self.branch_superpose # elif mechanic in (B_XOR, 'xor'): # _call = self.branch_superpose matchcondition = kargs.get('matchcondition') if matchcondition: if matchcondition in ('key', MATCH_KEY): matchcondition.append(MATCH_KEY) elif matchcondition in ('no', MATCH_NO): matchcondition.append(MATCH_NO) elif matchcondition in ('child_attr_list', MATCH_CHLDATTR): matchcondition.append(MATCH_CHLDATTR) elif matchcondition in ('index', MATCH_INDEX): matchcondition.append(MATCH_INDEX) elif matchcondition in ('mem', MATCH_MEM): matchcondition.append(MATCH_MEM) else: raise JSONDataValueError('matchcondition', str(matchcondition)) try: validator = kargs.get('validator', self.validator) except AttributeError: validator = kargs.get('validator', MODE_SCHEMA_DEFAULT) # INPUT-BRANCH: schema for validation if validator != MS_OFF: # validation requested, requires schema if not schemafile: # no new import, use present data if not self.schema: # no schema data present raise JSONDataError("value", "schema", self.schema) else: schemafile = os.path.abspath(schemafile) if not os.path.isfile(schemafile): raise JSONDataSourceFileError("open", "schemafile", str(schemafile)) with open(schemafile) as schema_file: schema = myjson.load(schema_file) if not schema: raise JSONDataSourceFileError("read", "schemafile", str(schemafile)) # INPUT-BRANCH: data datafile = os.path.abspath(datafile) if not os.path.isfile(datafile): raise JSONDataSourceFileError("open", "datafile", str(datafile)) try: with open(datafile) as data_file: # load data jval = myjson.load(data_file) except Exception as e: raise JSONDataSourceFileError("open", "datafile", str(datafile), str(e)) # INPUT-BRANCH: validate data self.validate(jval, schema, validator) # now - after validation - use the requested sub-branch only, default is whole branch if subpointer: jval = JSONPointer(subpointer)(jval) # TARGET-CONTAINER: manage new branch data if isinstance(targetnode, JSONData): return _call(jval,, key) elif type(targetnode) in (dict, list): return _call(jval, targetnode, key) elif isinstance(targetnode, JSONPointer): return _call(jval, targetnode, key) elif type(targetnode) in ISSTR: return _call(jval, targetnode, key) elif targetnode == None: if != None: return _call(jval, return _call(jval, '') # if isinstance(targetnode, JSONData): # return self.branch_add(jval,, key) # elif type(targetnode) in (dict, list): # return self.branch_add(jval, targetnode, key) # elif isinstance(targetnode, JSONPointer): # return self.branch_add(jval, targetnode, key) # elif type(targetnode) in ISSTR: # return self.branch_add(jval, targetnode, key) # elif targetnode == None: # if != None: # return self.branch_add(jval, # return self.branch_add(jval, '') raise JSONDataParameterError("import requires a container: object(dict) or array(list).")
[docs] def dump_data(self, pretty=True, **kargs): """Dumps structured data by calling *json.dumps()*. Args: **pretty**: Activates pretty printer for treeview, else flat. kargs: The remaining keyword arguments are passed through to *json.dumps()*. **ensure_ascii**: See *json_dumps*. default := False **indent**: Sets indent when *pretty* is *True*. **sort_keys**: Sorts keys. default := False **sourcefile**: Loads data from 'sourcefile' into 'source'. default := None **source**: Prints data within 'source'. default := Returns: When successful returns the dump string, else either 'None', or raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataAmbiguityError: forwarded from 'json' """ try: source = kargs.pop('source') except KeyError: source = None try: sourcefile = kargs.pop('sourcefile') except KeyError: sourcefile = None if sourcefile and source: raise JSONDataAmbiguityError('sourcefile/source', "sourcefile=" + str(sourcefile), "source=" + str(source)) if sourcefile: source = open(sourcefile) source = myjson.load(source) elif not source: source = # yes, almost the same... if not kargs.get('indent') and pretty: kargs['indent'] = self.indent if not kargs.get('ensure_ascii'): kargs['ensure_ascii'] = False # if not kargs.get('sort_keys'): # kargs['sort_keys'] = False return myjson.dumps(source, **kargs)
[docs] def dump_schema(self, pretty=True, **kargs): """Dumps structured schema by calling *json.dumps()*. Args: **pretty**: Activates pretty printer for treeview, else flat. kargs: The remaining keyword arguments are passed through to *json.dumps()*. **ensure_ascii**: See *json_dumps*. default := False **indent**: Sets indent when *pretty* is *True*. **sort_keys**: Sorts keys. default := False **sourcefile**: Loads schema from 'sourcefile' into 'source'. default := None **source**: Prints schema within 'source'. default := self.schema Returns: When successful returns the dump string, else either 'None', or raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataAmbiguityError: forwarded from 'json' """ try: source = kargs.pop('source') except KeyError: source = None try: sourcefile = kargs.pop('sourcefile') except KeyError: sourcefile = None if sourcefile and source: raise JSONDataAmbiguityError('sourcefile/source', "sourcefile=" + str(sourcefile), "source=" + str(source)) if sourcefile: source = open(sourcefile) source = myjson.load(source) elif not source: source = self.schema # yes, almost the same... if not kargs.get('indent') and pretty: kargs['indent'] = self.indent if not kargs.get('ensure_ascii'): kargs['ensure_ascii'] = False # if not kargs.get('sort_keys'): # kargs['sort_keys'] = False return myjson.dumps(source, **kargs)
[docs] def set_schema(self, schemafile=None, targetnode=None, **kargs): """Sets schema or inserts a new branch into the current schema. The main schema(targetnode==None) is the schema of the current instance. Additional branches could be added by importing the specific schema definitions. These could either kept volatile as a temporary runtime extension, or stored persistently. Args: **schemafile**: JSON-Schema filename for validation of the subtree/branch, see also *kargs['schema']*. **targetnode**: Target container hook for the inclusion of the loaded branch. kargs: **schema**: In-memory JSON-Schema as an alternative to schemafile, when provided the 'schemafile' is ignored. default:=None **persistent**: Stores the 'schema' persistently into 'schemafile' after the completion of update, requires a valid 'schemafile'. default:=False Returns: When successful returns 'True', else returns either 'False', or raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataError JSONDataSourceFileError JSONDataValueError """ schema = kargs.get('schema') persistent = kargs.get('persistent', False) if schemafile: self.schemafile = schemafile elif self.schemafile != None: # use present schemafile = self.schemafile if not schemafile: if persistent: # persistence requires storage raise JSONDataTargetFileError("open", "JSONSchemaFilename", schemafile) if schemafile: # load from file schemafile = os.path.abspath(schemafile) self.schemafile = schemafile if not os.path.isfile(schemafile): raise JSONDataSourceFileError("open", "schemafile", str(schemafile)) with open(schemafile) as schema_file: schema = myjson.load(schema_file) if schema == None: raise JSONDataSourceFileError("read", "schemafile", str(schemafile)) else: # missing at all raise JSONDataSourceFileError("open", "schemafile", str(schemafile)) # # manage new branch data # if not targetnode: self.schema = schema else: # data history present, so decide how to handle # the container hook has to match for insertion- if type(targetnode) != type(schema): raise JSONDataError( "type", "target!=branch", str(type(targetnode)) + "!=" + str(type(schema))) self.branch_add(schema, targetnode, None) return schema != None
from jsondata.jsonpointer import JSONPointer # avoid nested recursion problems