Source code for jsondata.jsonpatch

# -*- coding:utf-8   -*-
"""The JSONPatch module provides for the alteration of JSON data compliant to RFC6902.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import sys
import copy

# pylint: disable-msg=F0401
if sys.modules.get('json'):
    import json as myjson  # @UnusedImport
elif sys.modules.get('ujson'):
    import ujson as myjson  # @UnusedImport @Reimport @UnresolvedImport
    import json as myjson  # @Reimport
# pylint: enable-msg=F0401

# for now the only one supported
from jsondata.jsonpointer import JSONPointer
from jsondata.jsondataserializer import JSONDataSerializer, MS_OFF
from jsondata.jsondata import JSONData
from jsondata import V3K, JSONDataPatchError, JSONDataPatchItemError, \

__author__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__maintainer__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__license__ = "Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Arno-Can Uestuensoez" \
                " @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez"
__version__ = '0.2.21'
__uuid__ = '63b597d6-4ada-4880-9f99-f5e0961351fb'

if V3K:
    unicode = str

# Sets display for inetractive JSON/JSONschema design.
_interactive = False

# Operations in accordance to RFC6902
RFC6902_ADD = 1
RFC6902_COPY = 2
RFC6902_MOVE = 3
RFC6902_REMOVE = 4
RFC6902_TEST = 6

# Mapping for reverse transformation
op2str = {
    RFC6902_ADD: "add",
    RFC6902_COPY: "copy",
    RFC6902_MOVE: "move",
    RFC6902_REMOVE: "remove",
    RFC6902_REPLACE: "replace",
    RFC6902_TEST: "test"

# Mapping for reverse transformation
str2op = {
    "add": RFC6902_ADD,
    "copy": RFC6902_COPY,
    "move": RFC6902_MOVE,
    "remove": RFC6902_REMOVE,
    "replace": RFC6902_REPLACE,
    "test": RFC6902_TEST

[docs]def getOp(x): """Converts input into corresponding enumeration. """ if type(x) in ( int, float, ): return int(x) elif type(x) is ( str, unicode, ) and x.isdigit(): return int(x) return str2op.get(x, None)
[docs]class JSONPatchItem(object): """Record entry for list of patch tasks. Attributes: **op**: operations: :: add, copy, move, remove, replace, test **target**: JSONPointer for the modification target, see RFC6902. **value**: Value, either a branch, or a leaf of the JSON data structure. **src**: JSONPointer for the modification source, see RFC6902. """
[docs] def __init__(self, op, target, param=None, **kargs): """Create an entry for the patch list. Args: **op**: Operation: :: add, copy, move, remove, replace, test **target**: Target node. :: target := ( <rfc6901-string> | JSONPointer | <path-items-list> ) **param**: Specific parameter for the operation. +-------+--------------------+ | type | operation | +=======+====================+ | value | add, replace, test | +-------+--------------------+ | src | copy, move | +-------+--------------------+ | param | None for 'remove' | +-------+--------------------+ kargs: **replace**: Replace masked characters in *target* specification. :: replace := ( True # replaces rfc6901 escape sequences: ~0 and ~1 | False # omit unescaping ) .. note:: Match operations are proceeded literally, thus the escaped characters should be consistent, see rfc6901, Section 3. default := False Returns: When successful returns 'True', else returns either 'False', or raises an exception. Success is the complete addition only, thus one failure returns False. Raises: JSONDataPatchItemError """ self.replace = kargs.get('replace', False) self.value = None self.src = None self.op = getOp(op) = JSONPointer(target, replace=self.replace) if self.op in (RFC6902_ADD, RFC6902_REPLACE, RFC6902_TEST): self.value = param elif self.op is RFC6902_REMOVE: pass elif self.op in (RFC6902_COPY, RFC6902_MOVE): self.src = param else: raise JSONDataPatchItemError("Unknown operation.")
def __add__(self, x=None): if x == None: raise JSONDataPatchError("Missing patch entry/patch") if isinstance(x, JSONPatchItem): ret = JSONPatch() ret.patch.append(self) ret.patch.append(x) return ret elif isinstance(x, JSONPatch): ret = JSONPatch(x.patch) ret.patch.insert(0, self) return ret else: raise JSONDataPatchError("Unknown input" + type(x))
[docs] def __call__(self, jdata): """Evaluates the related task for the provided data. Args: **jdata**: JSON data the task has to be applied on. Returns: Returns a tuple of: :: (n,lerr): n: number of present active entries lerr: list of failed entries Raises: JSONDataPatchError: """ return self.apply(jdata)
[docs] def __eq__(self, x=None): """Compares this pointer with x. Args: **x**: A valid Pointer. Returns: *True* or *False*. Raises: JSONPointerError """ if x == None: return False ret = True if type(x) == dict: ret &= == x['path'] else: ret &= == x['target'] if self.op == RFC6902_ADD: ret &= x['op'] in ('add', RFC6902_ADD) ret &= self.value == x['value'] elif self.op == RFC6902_REMOVE: ret &= x['op'] in ('remove', RFC6902_REMOVE) elif self.op == RFC6902_REPLACE: ret &= x['op'] in ('replace', RFC6902_REPLACE) ret &= self.value == x['value'] elif self.op == RFC6902_MOVE: ret &= x['op'] in ('move', RFC6902_MOVE) ret &= self.src == x['from'] elif self.op == RFC6902_COPY: ret &= x['op'] in ('copy', RFC6902_COPY) ret &= self.src == x['from'] elif self.op == RFC6902_TEST: ret &= x['op'] in ('test', RFC6902_TEST) ret &= self.value == x['value'] return ret
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Support of various mappings. #. self[key] #. self[i:j:k] #. x in self #. for x in self """ if key in ( 'path', 'target', ): return elif key in ('op', ): return self.op elif key in ( 'value', 'param', ): return self.value elif key in ( 'from', 'src', ): return self.src
[docs] def __ne__(self, x): """Compares this pointer with x. Args: **x**: A valid Pointer. Returns: *True* or *False*. Raises: JSONPointerError """ return not self.__eq__(x)
def __radd__(self, x=None): if x == None: raise JSONDataPatchError("Missing patch entry/patch") if isinstance(x, JSONPatchItem): ret = JSONPatch() ret.patch.append(x) ret.patch.append(self) return ret elif isinstance(x, JSONPatch): ret = JSONPatch() ret.patch.extend(x.patch) ret.patch.append(self) return ret else: raise JSONDataPatchError("Unknown input" + type(x))
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Prints the patch string in accordance to RFC6901. """ ret = '{"op": "' + unicode(op2str[self.op]) + \ '", "path": "' + unicode( + '"' if self.op in (RFC6902_ADD, RFC6902_REPLACE, RFC6902_TEST): if type(self.value) in (int, float): ret += ', "value": ' + unicode(self.value) elif type(self.value) in (dict, list): ret += ', "value": ' + repr(self.value) else: ret += ', "value": "' + unicode(self.value) + '"' elif self.op is RFC6902_REMOVE: pass elif self.op in (RFC6902_COPY, RFC6902_MOVE): ret += ', "from": "' + unicode(self.src) + '"' ret += "}" return ret
[docs] def __str__(self): """Prints the patch string in accordance to RFC6901. """ ret = '{"op": "' + op2str[self.op] + \ '", "target": "' + str( if self.op in (RFC6902_ADD, RFC6902_REPLACE, RFC6902_TEST): if type(self.value) in (int, float): ret += '", "value": ' + str(self.value) + ' }' else: ret += '", "value": "' + str(self.value) + '" }' elif self.op is RFC6902_REMOVE: ret += '" }' elif self.op in (RFC6902_COPY, RFC6902_MOVE): ret += '", "src": "' + str(self.src) + '" }' return ret
[docs] def apply(self, jsondata, **kargs): """Applies the present patch list on the provided JSON document. Args: **jsondata**: Document to be patched. kargs: **replace**: Replace masked characters in *target* specification. :: replace := ( True # replaces rfc6901 escape sequences: ~0 and ~1 | False # omit unescaping ) .. note:: Match operations are proceeded literally, thus the escaped characters should be consistent, see rfc6901, Section 3. If already decoded e.g. by the constructor, than should be *FALSE*, is not idempotent. default := False Returns: When successful returns 'True', else raises an exception. Or returns a tuple: :: (n,lerr): n: number of present active entries lerr: list of failed entries Raises: JSONDataPatchError: """ replace = kargs.get('replace', self.replace) if self.op is RFC6902_ADD: return jsondata.branch_add( self.value, if isinstance(jsondata, JSONDataSerializer): jsondata = if self.op is RFC6902_REPLACE: n, b = n[b] = self.value elif self.op is RFC6902_TEST: n, b = JSONPointer(, replace=replace).get_node_and_key(jsondata) # if type(self.value) is str: # self.value = unicode(self.value) # if type(n) is list: # return n[b] == self.value # return n[unicode(b)] == self.value if isinstance(n, list): return n[int(b)] == self.value elif isinstance(n, dict): return n[unicode(b)] == self.value elif self.op is RFC6902_COPY: val = JSONPointer(self.src, replace=replace).get_node_value(jsondata) tn, tc = tn[tc] = val elif self.op is RFC6902_MOVE: val = JSONPointer(self.src, replace=replace).get_node_value(jsondata) sn, sc = JSONPointer(self.src, replace=replace).get_node_and_key(jsondata) sn.pop(sc) tn, tc = if type(tn) is list: if len(tn) <= tc: tn.append(val) else: tn[tc] = val else: tn[tc] = val elif self.op is RFC6902_REMOVE: n, b = n.pop(b) return True
[docs] def repr_export(self): """Prints the patch string for export in accordance to RFC6901. """ ret = '{"op": "' + str(op2str[self.op]) + \ '", "path": "' + str( + '"' if self.op in (RFC6902_ADD, RFC6902_REPLACE, RFC6902_TEST): if type(self.value) in (int, float): ret += ', "value": ' + str(self.value) elif type(self.value) in (dict, list): ret += ', "value": ' + str(self.value) elif type(self.value) is None: ret += ', "value": null' elif type(self.value) is False: ret += ', "value": false' elif type(self.value) is True: ret += ', "value": true' else: ret += ', "value": "' + str(self.value) + '"' elif self.op is RFC6902_REMOVE: pass elif self.op in (RFC6902_COPY, RFC6902_MOVE): ret += ', "from": "' + str(self.src) + '"' ret += '}' return ret
[docs] def str_export(self): """Pretty prints the patch string for export in accordance to RFC6901. """ ret = '{"op": "' + str(op2str[self.op]) + \ '", "path": "' + str( + '"' if self.op in (RFC6902_ADD, RFC6902_REPLACE, RFC6902_TEST): if type(self.value) in (int, float): ret += ', "value": ' + str(self.value) elif type(self.value) in (dict, list): ret += ', "value": ' + str(self.value) elif type(self.value) is None: ret += ', "value": null' elif type(self.value) is False: ret += ', "value": false' elif type(self.value) is True: ret += ', "value": true' else: ret += ', "value": "' + str(self.value) + '"' elif self.op is RFC6902_REMOVE: pass elif self.op in (RFC6902_COPY, RFC6902_MOVE): ret += ', "from": "' + str(self.src) + '"' ret += '}' return ret
[docs]class JSONPatchItemRaw(JSONPatchItem): """Adds native patch strings or an unsorted dict for RFC6902. Calls parent *JSONPatchItem*. """
[docs] def __init__(self, patchstring, **kargs): """Parse a raw patch string in accordance to RFC6902. """ self.replace = kargs.get('replace', False) if type(patchstring) in ( str, unicode, ): ps = myjson.loads(patchstring) sx = myjson.dumps(ps) if len(sx.replace(" ", "")) != len(patchstring.replace(" ", "")): raise JSONDataPatchItemError( "Repetition is not compliant to RFC6902:" + str(patchstring)) elif type(patchstring) is dict: ps = patchstring else: raise JSONDataPatchItemError("Type not supported:" + str(patchstring)) try: target = ps['path'] op = getOp(ps['op']) if op in (RFC6902_ADD, RFC6902_REPLACE, RFC6902_TEST): param = ps['value'] elif op is RFC6902_REMOVE: param = None elif op in (RFC6902_COPY, RFC6902_MOVE): param = ps['from'] except Exception as e: raise JSONDataPatchItemError(e) super(JSONPatchItemRaw, self).__init__(op, target, param, **kargs)
[docs]class JSONPatchFilter(object): """Filtering capabilities on the entries of patch lists. .. warning:: Not yet implemented. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kargs): """ Args: kargs: Filter parameters: **common**: contain=(True|False): Contain, else equal. type=<node-type>: Node is of type. **paths**: branch=<branch>: deep=(): Determines the depth of comparison. prefix=<prefix>: Any node of prefix. If prefix is absolute: the only and one, else None. relative: any node prefixed by the path fragment. **values**: val=<node-value>: Node ha the value. Returns: True or False Raises: JSONPointerError: """ for k, v in kargs: if k == 'prefix': self.prefix = v elif k == 'branch': self.branch = v
[docs] def __eq__(self, x): pass
[docs] def __ne__(self, x): pass
[docs]class JSONPatch(object): """ Representation of a JSONPatch task list for RFC6902. Contains the defined methods from standards: * add * remove * replace * move * copy * test Attributes: **patch**: List of patch items. """
[docs] def __init__(self, p=None, **kargs): """List of patch tasks. Args: **p**: Patch list. :: p := ( JSONPatch | <list-of-patch-items> ) kargs: **replace**: Replace masked characters in *target* specification. :: replace := ( True # replaces rfc6901 escape sequences: ~0 and ~1 | False # omit unescaping ) .. note:: Match operations are proceeded literally, thus the escaped characters should be consistent, see rfc6901, Section 3. default := False Returns: self. Raises: pass-through """ assert isinstance(p, list) or p == None self.replace = kargs.get('replace', False) if p: self.patch = p else: self.patch = [] self.deep = False """Defines copy operations, True:=deep, False:=swallow"""
[docs] def __add__(self, x=None): """Creates and adds patch job to the task queue. Args: **x**: Extension of pathc job, eithe a *JSONPatch*, or a *JSONPatchItem*. Returns: Returns a patch job, or raises Exception. Raises: JSONDataPatchError """ if x == None: raise JSONDataPatchError("Missing patch entry/patch") if isinstance(x, JSONPatchItem): ret = JSONPatch(self.patch) ret.patch.append(x) return ret elif isinstance(x, JSONPatch): ret = JSONPatch(self.patch) ret.patch.extend(x.patch) return ret else: raise JSONDataPatchError("Unknown input" + type(x))
[docs] def __call__(self, jdata, x=None): """Evaluates the related task for the provided index. Args: **x**: Task index. **jdata**: JSON data the task has to be applied on. Returns: Returns a tuple of: :: (n, lerr): n: number of present active entries lerr: list of failed entries Raises: JSONDataPatchError: """ if x is None: return self.apply(jdata) if self.patch[x](jdata): return 1, [] return 1, [0]
[docs] def __eq__(self, x): """Compares this pointer with x. Args: **x**: A valid Pointer. Returns: *True* or *False* Raises: JSONPointerError """ if x == None: return False match = len(self.patch) if match != len(x): return False if isinstance(x, JSONPatch): return self.patch == x.patch elif isinstance(x, list): ret = True for i in range(match): for k in x[i].keys(): if k == 'op': ret &= str(x[i][k]) == op2str[self.patch[i][k]] else: ret &= str(x[i][k]) == str(self.patch[i][k]) return ret else: raise JSONDataPatchError("Type requires JSONPatch or list, got" + str(type(x)))
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Support of slices, for 'iterator' refer to self.__iter__. #. self[key] #. self[i:j:k] #. x in self #. for x in self """ return self.patch[key]
[docs] def __iadd__(self, x=None): """Adds patch jobs to the task queue in place. """ if x == None: raise JSONDataPatchError("Missing patch entry/patch") if isinstance(x, JSONPatchItem): self.patch.append(x) elif isinstance(x, JSONPatch): self.patch.extend(x.patch) else: raise JSONDataPatchError("Unknown input" + type(x)) return self
[docs] def __isub__(self, x): """Removes the patch job from the task queue in place. Removes one of the following type(x) variants: *int*: The patch job with given index. *JSONPatchItem*: The first matching entry from the task queue. Args: **x**: Item to be removed. :: x := ( int | JSONPatchItem ) Returns: Returns resulting list without x. Raises: JSONDataPatchError: """ if type(x) is int: self.patch.pop(x) else: self.patch.remove(x) return self
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Provides an iterator foreseen for large amounts of in-memory patches. """ return iter(self.patch)
[docs] def __len__(self): """The number of outstanding patches. """ return len(self.patch)
[docs] def __ne__(self, x): """Compares this pointer with x. Args: **x**: A valid Pointer. Returns: *True* or *False* Raises: JSONPointerError """ return not self.__eq__(x)
def __radd__(self, x=None): """Adds a copy of xto the task queue. """ if x == None: raise JSONDataPatchError("Missing patch entry/patch") if isinstance(x, JSONPatchItem): ret = JSONPatch(x) ret.patch.append(self.patch) return ret elif isinstance(x, JSONPatch): ret = JSONPatch(x) ret.patch.extend(self.patch) return ret else: raise JSONDataPatchError("Unknown input" + type(x))
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Prints the representation format of a JSON patch list. """ ret = "[" if self.patch: if len(self.patch) > 1: for p in self.patch[:-1]: ret += repr(p) + ", " ret += repr(self.patch[-1]) ret += "]" return unicode(ret)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Prints the display format. """ ret = "[\n" if self.patch: if len(self.patch) > 1: for p in self.patch[:-1]: ret += " " + repr(p) + ",\n" ret += " " + repr(self.patch[-1]) + "\n" ret += "]" return str(ret)
[docs] def __sub__(self, x): """Removes the patch job from the task queue. Removes one of the following type(x) variants: *int*: The patch job with given index. *JSONPatchItem*: The first matching entry from the task queue. Args: **x**: Item to be removed. :: x := ( int | JSONPatchItem ) Returns: Returns resulting list without x. Raises: JSONDataPatchError: """ ret = JSONPatch() if self.deep: ret.patch = self.patch[:] else: ret.patch = self.patch if type(x) is int: ret.patch.pop(x) else: ret.patch.remove(x) return ret
[docs] def apply(self, jsondata, **kargs): """Applies the JSONPatch task. Args: **jsondata**: JSON data the joblist has to be applied on. Returns: Returns a tuple of: :: (n, lerr): n: number of present active entries lerr: list of failed entries Raises: JSONDataPatchError: """ status = [] for p in self.patch: if not p.apply(jsondata, **kargs): # should not be called frequently status.append(self.patch.index(p)) return len(self.patch), status
[docs] def getpatchitem(self, x=None): """Gets the reference to a single patch item. Args: **x**: Requested item. :: x := ( int | JSONPatchItem ) int: index of patch item JSONPatchItem: the reference to the patch item Returns: The selected patch item. Raises: None """ if x == None: return if type(x) is int: return self.patch[x] return self.patch[self.patch.index(x)]
[docs] def getpatchitems(self, *args, **kargs): """Gets a list of references of patch items. Args: args: Requested items. :: *args := ( <item> | <item-list> | None ) item-list := <item>[, <item-list>] item := ( int | JSONPatchItem ) None := "all items of the current patch list" int: index of patch item JSONPatchItem: the reference to the patch item kargs: **idxlist**: Print with index: :: idxlist := ( True # format: [{<index>: <JSONPatchItem>}] | False # format: [<JSONPatchItem>] ) **copydata**: Creates a copy of each resulting item. :: copydata := (C_DEEP | C_SHALLOW | C_REF) default := C_REF # no copy Returns: A list of the selected patch items. Raises: None """ ret = [] _copy = kargs.get('copydata', C_REF) if args and args[0] == None: args = self.patch for x in args: if type(x) is int: _c = self.patch[x] else: x = self.patch.index(x) _c = self.patch[x] if _copy == C_SHALLOW: _c = copy.copy(_c) elif _copy == C_DEEP: _c = copy.deepcopy(_c) if kargs.get('idxlist'): ret.append({x: _c}) else: ret.append(_c) return ret
[docs] def gettree(self, *args, **kargs): """Gets the resulting logical JSON data structure constructed from the patch items of the current set. Args: args: Requested items. :: *args := ( <item> | <item-list> | None ) item-list := <item>[, <item-list>] item := ( int | JSONPatchItem ) None := "all items of the current patch list" int: index of patch item JSONPatchItem: the reference to the patch item kargs: **data**: An optional JSON data structure, when provided the actual data as selected by the patch list is returned. Else the paths only. default := None **scope**: Defines the source scope of the data structure. :: scope := ( "in" # input data, e.g. source for "copy" | "out" # output data, e.g. target for "copy ) default := "out" Returns: The combined list of the selected patch items contained in an object JSONData. Raises: None """ _data = kargs.get('data', None) _scope = kargs.get('scope', 'out') if _scope == 'in': _scope = True else: _scope = False _pl = self.getpatchitems(*args) ret = JSONData('') for x in _pl: if _scope == SD_INPUT: if x['op'] in (RFC6902_ADD,): ret.branch_add('add', x['path']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_COPY,): ret.branch_add('copy', x['from']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_MOVE,): ret.branch_add('move', x['from']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_REMOVE,): ret.branch_add('remove', x['path']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_REPLACE,): ret.branch_add('replace', x['path']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_TEST,): ret.branch_add('test', x['path']) elif _scope == SD_OUTPUT: if x['op'] in (RFC6902_ADD,): ret.branch_add('add', x['path']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_COPY,): ret.branch_add('copy', x['path']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_MOVE,): ret.branch_add('move', x['path']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_REMOVE,): ret.branch_add('remove', x['path']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_REPLACE,): ret.branch_add('replace', x['path']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_TEST,): ret.branch_add('test', x['path']) else: # both if x['op'] in (RFC6902_ADD,): ret.branch_add('add', x['path']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_COPY,): ret.branch_add('copy', x['from']) ret.branch_add('copy', x['path']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_MOVE,): ret.branch_add('move', x['from']) ret.branch_add('move', x['path']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_REMOVE,): ret.branch_add('remove', x['path']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_REPLACE,): ret.branch_add('replace', x['path']) elif x['op'] in (RFC6902_TEST,): ret.branch_add('test', x['path']) return ret
[docs] def patch_export(self, patchfile, schema=None, **kargs): """Exports the current task list. Args: **patchfile**: JSON patch for export. **schema**: JSON-Schema for validation of the patch list. kargs: **validator**: [default, draft3, off, ] Sets schema validator for the data file. The values are: :: default = validate draft3 = Draft3Validator off = None default:= validate **pretty**: If True exports as tree format, else all as one line. Returns: When successful returns 'True', else raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataPatchError: """ pretty = kargs.get('pretty', False) if not pretty: try: with open(patchfile, 'w') as fp: fp.writelines(self.repr_export()) except Exception as e: raise JSONDataPatchError("open-" + str(e), "data.dump", str(patchfile)) else: try: with open(patchfile, 'w') as fp: fp.writelines(str(self.str_export())) except Exception as e: raise JSONDataPatchError("open-" + str(e), "data.dump", str(patchfile)) return True
[docs] def patch_import(self, patchfile, schemafile=None, **kargs): """Imports a task list. Args: **patchfile**: JSON patch filename containing the list of patch operations. **schemafile**: JSON-Schema filename for validation of the patch list. kargs: **replace**: Replace masked characters in *target* specification. :: replace := ( True # replaces rfc6901 escape sequences: ~0 and ~1 | False # omit unescaping ) .. note:: Match operations are proceeded literally, thus the escaped characters should be consistent, see rfc6901, Section 3. default := False **validator**: Sets schema validator for the data file. Curren release relies on *jsonschema*, which supports at the time of writing draft-03 and draft-04. The values are: :: validator := ( MS_DRAFT3 | 'draft3' | MS_DRAFT4 | 'draft4' | MS_ON | 'on' | MS_OFF | 'off' | MODE_SCHEMA_DEFAULT | 'default' ) default:= MS_OFF Returns: When successful returns 'True', else raises an exception. Raises: JSONDataPatchError: """ replace = kargs.get('replace', self.replace) validator = kargs.get('validator', MS_OFF) patchdata = JSONDataSerializer( [], datafile=patchfile, schemafile=schemafile, validator=MS_OFF, ) for pi in self += JSONPatchItemRaw(pi, replace=replace) return True
[docs] def repr_export(self): """Prints the export representation format of a JSON patch list. """ ret = "[" if self.patch: if len(self.patch) > 1: for p in self.patch[:-1]: ret += p.repr_export() + ", " ret += self.patch[-1].repr_export() ret += "]" return ret
[docs] def str_export(self): """Pretty prints the export representation format of a JSON patch list. """ ret = "[\n" if self.patch: if len(self.patch) > 1: for p in self.patch[:-1]: ret += " " + p.str_export() + ",\n" ret += " " + self.patch[-1].str_export() + "\n" ret += "]" return str(ret)